Future Projects

These are projects to be implemented in the coming years as AJANO completes research into feasibility and acquires mentors, volunteers, and engages stakeholders to make the projects a reality. If you want to work with AJANO to bring any of these projects into reality, please contact us

AJANO Food Bank

For young children, it would be ideal to have a food bank in communities with high food insecurity, so that food is within easy reach. We are currently studying how to pilot a food bank in Pedu, a low-income commmunity in Cape Coast, Central Region, Ghana.

AJANO Urban Greenhouse

In urban food insecure areas that do not have access to vast swathes of arable land, we are examining the possibility of creating community greenhouses that will be maintained by all the members of the community. These greenhouses will likely be hydroponics-based due to the lack of access to fertile ground. AJANO is working with Whytebage International, owners of the Farmer's Market Rooftop Greenhouse to learn the methodology.

AJANO Tech Hub

AJANO is in consultation about implementing shipping container-based solar powered tech hubs for communities that do not have access to computers and the internet. 2 of AJANO's founders attended schools in such communities until they won scholarships to attend well-resourced high schools. The opportunities that having access to the internet along with computing power can create are limitless.

AJANO Mobile Library

This project is still in the dream phase at the moment. The vision is to give library cards to students in low income communities. These cards will allow them to borrow books from a mobile library off books by African authors that will pass through their community once a week. AJANO also wants to have eBooks available for borrowing online for students who have access to devices, although this is likely to be rare.